Bio-Seal 제품 구매처
한국전자인증 1566-0566 무역정보통신 1566-2119
한국정보인증 1577-8787 코스콤 1577-7337
대표전화(Bio-Seal문의) 1800-6830
영업/구매 문의 02-6488-3059
AS/기술 문의 02-6488-3067
이메일 문의

Access Control Solution

Our access control solution provides advanced control system for high security and convenience.
Users can manage their human resource effectively by monitoring access history and current conditions of visitors.
Unexpected accidents can be preventedby remote control in emergency.
Confidential documents and assets can be protected by accurate access control solution.


Control by door, district, and time

Remote control of branch and office

Compatible with warning event and alarm

Compatible with Time & Attendance, Meal and Vehicle system

Compatible with Image surveillance and Integrated control system


Effective control of visitors by time and place

Daily/ monthly reports by accurate data increase work effectiveness

Protection of confidential documents and assets by authority management

Saving expenses by minimizing the number of admin




Financial Institutes

Research Institutes

Military office