Bio-Seal 제품 구매처
한국전자인증 1566-0566 무역정보통신 1566-2119
한국정보인증 1577-8787 코스콤 1577-7337
대표전화(Bio-Seal문의) 1800-6830
영업/구매 문의 02-6488-3059
AS/기술 문의 02-6488-3067
이메일 문의

FVC Ranked 1st

Internationally and independently recognized by FVC On-going as having algorithm that has been top ranked for4
consecutive years(2011~2018). This algorithm ensures system integrity and an exceptionally high enrollment rate.

What is FVC?

Fingerprint Verification Competition (FVC) is an international competition focused on fingerprint verification software assessment. FVC-onGoing is a
web-based automated evaluation system for fingerprint recognition algorithms. Tests are carried out on a set of sequestered datasets and results are
reported on-line by using well known performance indicators and metrics.