Bio-Seal 제품 구매처
한국전자인증 1566-0566 무역정보통신 1566-2119
한국정보인증 1577-8787 코스콤 1577-7337
대표전화(Bio-Seal문의) 1800-6830
영업/구매 문의 02-6488-3059
AS/기술 문의 02-6488-3067
이메일 문의

Awards & Certification


Award of Seoul Regional Office Small & Medium Business Administration

Award of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

Award of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy
Ministry of Knowledge Economy

IR52 Jang Young Sil Award

Korea World-class Product Award
Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy

ISC WEST NPS “ The Best New Product Award

Award of Technological Innovation among Small and Medium Enterprises

Good Industrial Design Award (AC-1000)


ISO 9001:2015(KOR)

ISO 9001:2015(ENG)

ISO 14001:2015(KOR)

ISO 14001:2015(ENG)

KISA Fingerprint Recognition Performance Test Certification(Algorithm 5.A)

KISA Fingerprint Recognition Performance Test Certification(Algorithm 5.B)

Minutiae Interoperability Exchange Test(MINEX) – IBIA