Bio-Seal 제품 구매처
한국전자인증 1566-0566 무역정보통신 1566-2119
한국정보인증 1577-8787 코스콤 1577-7337
대표전화(Bio-Seal문의) 1800-6830
영업/구매 문의 02-6488-3059
AS/기술 문의 02-6488-3067
이메일 문의

Fake Fingerprint Detection

What is a Fake Fingerprint?

It is an artificial fingerprint made from silicone, rubber, paper, gel, or film which is used to defeat common biometric readers.

Typical Fake Fingerprints

General Optical Fingerprint Sensor

Most biometric sensors can be defeated using a variety of commonly known methods. This renders most biometric technology useless as the level of security does not protect businesses from the financial loss through fraudulent clocking, nor does it provide the level of security required by government, airport, military and commercial organizations

Unioncommunity’s Patented Live & Fake Finger Detection Technology

Unioncommunity’s fake finger identification technology can prevent detection of forged fingerprints made of silicon, rubber, film, paper, and gelatin. This is possible through technologies such as Capacitance discrimination method, Optical characterization method, Algorithm discrimination method.
We possess 15 patents in fake fingerprint detection and have become the No.1 brand in fake fingerprint detection.
(* Patent enrollment : 15, Application : 4/ reference date 2018.12)

How to make the fake fingerprints

Showing the fake fingerprints

How to verify the fake fingerprints

Fake Fingerprints Detection

Fake Fingerprint Detection (Summary) from ViRDI