Bio-Seal 제품 구매처
한국전자인증 1566-0566 무역정보통신 1566-2119
한국정보인증 1577-8787 코스콤 1577-7337
대표전화(Bio-Seal문의) 1800-6830
영업/구매 문의 02-6488-3059
AS/기술 문의 02-6488-3067
이메일 문의

Time & Attendance Solution

Unioncommunity’s Time & Attendance Solution manages access records obtained from authentication server. There is no need of additional installation of Time & Attendance devices as a fingerprint recognition device can be used as the basis of an integrated system. In addition, access records are strictly managed based on fake fingerprint detection function. manipulation of work hours can be prevented in advance.
Especially, it is a suitable for time and attendance management such as application of flexible work schedule, commute record, work rule setting and overtime work rule.


Aggregated T&A data monitoring

Prevention of manipulating work hours

Remote control of T&A for employees who work outside of office

Providing two choices; Stand alone, Network

Interoperable with ERP

Applying Flexible work


Saving management expenses by computerized automatic system

Improved work atmosphere by preventing manipulation of work hours

Improved internal and external images by automatic work process

Increasing work efficiency byintegrated management of automatic payroll and human resource


Government offices



