Lets examine themost important ofthem inorder. It was assigned CVE-2021-38666. In this post, we detail our root cause analysis of one such vulnerability which we found using WinAFL: CVE-2021-1665 - GDI+ Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Description is as follows. 2 = Quite satisfied with my fuzzing campaigns (but there might be more to fuzz). Where did I get it from? 2021 10.13089/JKIISC.2021.31.5.911 Keywords: Regression bug, Fuzz Testing, Directed fuzzing, Differential Fuzzing, Hybrid fuzzing. */. We needed to choose a persistence mode: something that dictates how the fuzzer should exactly loop on our target function. Based onthe contents ofthe test file, it iscompressed, orencrypted, orencoded insome way. Mutations are repeatedly performed on samples which must initially come from what we call a corpus. the target binary. Update: check new WinAFL video here no screen freeze in that : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLORLsNnPzoThis video will talk about how to Fuzz a simple C . Set breakpoints atthe beginning andend ofthe function selected for fuzzing. instrumentation, forkserver etc.). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); WinAFL isa fork ofthe renowned AFL fuzzer developed tofuzz closed-source programs onWindows systems. You are able to reproduce the crash manually. Something very valuable would be having a call stack dump on crashes. Note that anything that runs Attempt at RDP loopback connection. It is opened by default. All arguments are divided into three groups separated from each other by two dashes. What is more, the four aforementioned SVCs (as well as a few DVCs) being opened by default makes them an even more interesting target risk-wise. Eventually, the value of the field OutputBufferLength (DWORD) is used for a malloc call on the client (inside DrUTL_AllocIOCompletePacket). It is opened by default. In the Blackhat talk, the research was driven by the fact that North Korean hackers would alledgely carry out attacks through RDP servers acting as proxies. Obviously, its less impressive on a client than on a server, but its still nastier than your usual mere crash. This project is Once the channel is closed, we cant send PDUs anymore. Inreality, its not always possible tofind anideal parsing function (see below); and. By fuzzing these 59 harnesses, WINNIE successfully found 61 bugs from 32 binaries. Therefore, the RDP client will receive a lot of different message types, in a rather random order. This issue was fixed in January . Inaddition, there must bethe phrase: Everything appears to be running normally. Writing an undetectable keylogger in C#, What data Windows 10 sends to Microsoft and how to stop it. WTSVirtualChannelOpenEx(WTS_CURRENT_SESSION. This adversely affects thespeed but reduces thenumber ofside effects. arky ilesinde biri ile merkezi ikisi kasaba olmak zere 3 belediye (Hoky, Mrefte) tekilat vardr.Bunlar dnda ile merkezi 3 mahalleden oluurken, ileye bal 26 ky bulunmaktadr. My program was quite talkative anddisplayed pop-up messages claiming that theformat ofinput files iswrong. In this case, we are only fuzzing whats below Header in the following diagram. CLIPRDR is a static virtual channel dedicated to synchronization of the clipboard between the server and the client. By replaying the whole history, you may hope the client behaves in a deterministic enough way that it reproduces the crash. We took one of the most common Windows fuzzing frameworks, WinAFL, and aimed it at Adobe Reader, which is one of the most popular software products in the world. Ifthe program operates normally, it should have thesame numbers oflines In pre_fuzz_handler andIn post_fuzz_handler. Hence why all the functions are colored in red, but it is not very important. On a purely semantic level, fields that could be good candidates for a crash are wFormatNo or cBlockNo, because they could be used for indexing an array. RDPDR is a Static Virtual Channel dedicated to redirecting access from the server to the client file system. Depending on how much available RAM there is left on the client, you cannot just send a PDU with 0xFFFFFFFF as clipDataId. However, WinAFL is not going to work with our target out of the box. This article will primarily concentrate on what we need to know in order to fuzz Virtual Channels. In the function CClipBase::OnLockClipData, this field is used with some kind of smart array object: Eventually, the function DynArray
::CCleanType,unsigned long>::Grow is called and performs: My guess is that an array of dynamic length is used to store information, such as a lock tag, about file streams based on their id (if this is really the case, then it is probably poor choice of data structure). A drawback of this strategy is that crash analysis becomes more difficult. I would like to thank Thalium for giving me the opportunity to work on this subject which I had a lot of fun with, and that also allowed me to skill up in Windows reverse engineering and fuzzing. As an added bonus, we can take our user-space bugs and use them together with any . This file should be passed as an argument to the target binary. From this bug, we learned a golden rule of fuzzing: that it is not only about crashes. There are several options supported by this DLL that should be provided via the environment variable AFL_CUSTOM_DLL_ARGS: For example, if your application receives network packets via UDP protocol at port 7714 you should set up the environment variable in the following way: set AFL_CUSTOM_DLL_ARGS=-U -p 7714 -a -w 1000. I wait until thefunction execution iscompleted andsee that my test file isstill encrypted, while thetemporary file isstill empty. Youll get tons of the same crashes in a row, which can heavily slow down fuzzing for certain periods of time. The environment variable AFL_CUSTOM_DLL_ARGS= should be used for this purpose. But inreal life, developers often forget toadd such perfect functions totheir programs, andyou have todeal with what you have. Crashes from RDP fuzzer is often not reproducible. While writing a PoC, I noticed something interesting. AFLs mutational engine is not intended to work this way. RDP protocol stack from Explain Like I'm 5: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) . Thenext call toCreateFileA gives me thefollowing call stack. To enable this option, you need to specify -l argument. The key question is: are we satisfied with our fuzzing? WinAFL is a Windows fork of the popular mutational fuzzing tool AFL. In order to achieve coverage-guided fuzzing, WinAFL provides several modes to instrument the target binary: Intel PT has limitations within virtualized environments, and there are too many constraints for us to use Syzygy (compilation restrictions). To bypass this constraint, there exists a wonderful tool called RDPWrap. But you still need to make the client allocate enough memory to reach death by swap. I found one bug that crashed the client: an Out-of-Bounds Read that is unfortunately unexploitable. Fuzzing kernels has a set of additional challenges when compared to userland (or ring 3) fuzzing: First, crashes and timeouts mandate the use of virtualization to be able to catch faults and continue gracefully. No luck. Then I restart theprogram andsee that thetwo arguments are thepaths tomy test file anda temporary file. Lets say we fuzzed a channel for a whole week-end. 1 I am looking for the ways to fuzz Microsoft office, let's say Winword.exe. Fuzzing should entirely happen without human intervention. the specific instrumentation mode you are interested in. the module containing functions you want tofuzz must not becompiled statically. Besides, each channel is architectured in a different fashion; there is rarely a common code structure or even naming convention between two channels implementation. Indeed, WTSAPI32 eventually ends up in RPCRT4.DLL, responsible for Remote Procedure Calls in Windows. Please -H option is used during in-memory fuzzing, described below. Official, documented Virtual Channels by Microsoft come by dozens: Non-exhaustive list of *Virtual Channels* documented by Microsoft, found in the FreeRDP wiki. -target_offset from -target_method). If something behaves strangely, then I need to find the reason why. This will greatly help us develop a fuzzing harness. This means we cant use the -thread_coverage option anymore if we target DispatchPdu So we cant perform mixed message type fuzzing with reliable coverage anymore. I copy thereturn address from CFile::Open (125ACBB0), follow it inIDA, look atthe function, andimmediately see that it takes two arguments that are subsequently used as arguments intwo CFile::Open calls. The dll_mutate_testcase_with_energy function is additionally provided an energy value that is equivalent to the number of iterations expected to run in the havoc stage without deterministic mutations. The client will try to allocate too much at once, and malloc will return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY. For RDPSND, we can get something like this. Theres a twist with this channel: its a state machine. Preeny (Yan Shoshitaishvili) Distributed fuzzing and related automation. This is funny because this function sounds like its from the WTS API, but its not. But in order not to waste fuzzing effort in deeper levels of path geometry while fuzzing a multi-threaded application, one had better use thread coverage within DynamoRIO. issues on Windows 10 v1809, though there are workarounds, This leads to a malloc of size 8 \times (32 + \text{clipDataId}), which means at maximum a little more than 32 GB. By activating PageHeap on mstsc.exe with the /full option, we ask Windows to place an inaccessible page at the end of each heap allocation. arky, Tekirda ilinin bir ilesi. As a drawback, DynamoRIO will add some overhead, but execution speed will still be decent. Some WinAFL features that can facilitate (or hinder) thefuzzing process are addressed below. This is important because if the input file is to send test cases over network). https://github.com/googleprojectzero/Jackalope/blob/6d92931b2cf614699e2a023254d5ee7e20f6e34b/test.cpp#L111. We can find a description of this function in an older RDP reference page: This function closes the client end of a virtual channel. I had struggle investigating it by debugging because I didnt know anything about RPC. Sadly, we cant do much more. These can happen in parsing logic: in RDPSND (and similarly in many other channels), the Header includes a BodySize field which must be equal to the length of the actual PDU body. Such aset offiles can besubsequently minimized using the[winafl-cmin.py](http://winafl-cmin.py) script available inthe WinAFL repository. Background: In our previous research, we used WinAFL to fuzz user-space applications running on Windows, and found over 50 vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader and Microsoft Edge.. For our next challenge, we decided to go after something bigger: fuzzing the Windows kernel. Then I select thekernelbase.dll library onthe Symbols tab andset breakpoints atexports ofthe CreateFileA andCreateFileW functions. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. So, my strategy isto go up thecall stack until I find asuitable function. Until current research about RDP fuzzing, server agent was used to send back fuzzing input. To see the supported instrumentation flags, please refer to the documentation The stability metric measures the consistency of observed traces. 05:31. WinAFL supports delivering samples via shared memory (as opposed to via a file, which is the default). end of each heap allocation. This new mutation could snowball into dozens of new paths, including a crash that leads to the next big RCE. In practice, this . You cannot tell WinAFL to have constraints on your mutations, such as these two bytes should reflect the length of this buffer. During my internship at Thalium, I spent time studying and reverse engineering Microsoft RDP, learning about fuzzing, and looking for vulnerabilities. https://github.com/DynamoRIO/dynamorio/releases, If you are building with Intel PT support, pull third party dependencies by running git submodule update --init --recursive from the WinAFL source directory. This is understandable: for instance, a denial of service constitutes a much higher risk for a server than for a client. It is opened by default. It describes the channels functioning quite exhaustively, as well as: With a good picture of the channel in mind, we can now start reversing the RDP client. Especially, the ones that are opened by default and for which there is plenty of documentation. At first, my virtual machine had only 4 GB of RAM, so death by swap (which we know of and are used to by now) would happen. I fuzzed most of the message types referenced in the specification. It takes a set of test cases and throws them at the . This class is designed to introduce students to the best tools and technology available for automating vulnerability discovery and crash triage with a focus on delivering a practical approach to finding vulnerabilities in real world targets. documents. // Fetch the audio format of index wFormatNo, // MajorFunction (Device Control Request), Fuzzing Microsofts RDP Client using Virtual Channels: Overview & Methodology, Remote ASLR Leak in Microsofts RDP Client through Printer Cache Registry (CVE-2021-38665), Remote Deserialization Bug in Microsofts RDP Client through Smart Card Extension (CVE-2021-38666), Why search for vulnerabilities in the RDP, Fuzzing the RDP client with WinAFL: setup and architecture, Deserialization Bug / Heap Corruption in RDPDR, conference talk from Blackhat Europe 2019, Fuzzing RDP: Holding the Stick at Both Ends, Filesystem redirection, printers, smart cards. In this case, there may be a higher chance that the crash we found originates from a stateful bug, and which statefulness can be increasingly complex. WinAFL has been successfully used to identify bugs in Windows software, such as the following: If you are building with DynamoRIO support, download and build Enabling this has been known to cause However, bugs can still happen before channel is closed, and some bugs may even not trigger it. This needs to happen within the target function so I was still able to identify a little bug with this fuzzing strategy. Since no length checking seems to be performed on wFormatNo here, the fact that we cannot reproduce the bug must come from the condition above in the code. that you can read a new input file for each iteration as the input file is They also started reviewing this case for a potential bounty award. When restoring register context, we patched WinAFL pre-fuzz handler to write fuzzing input at the memory pointed by 3rd argument register, and set 2nd argument register to length of fuzzing input. This option allows to collect coverage only from the thread of interest, which is the one that executed the target function. UDP is also supported to improve performance for certain tasks such as bitmap or audio delivery. If you are using shared memory for sample delivery then you need to make sure that in your harness you specifically read data from shared memory instead of file. Each message type was fuzzed for hours and the channel as a whole for days. When WinAFL finds a crash, the only thing it pretty much does is save the mutation in the crashes/ folder, under a name such as id_000000_00_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. create two users on the same virtual machine, User1 and User2; setup the RDP server with RDPWrap to allow remote connection for User1; use the RDP client on a User2 session, by connecting to with the credentials of User1. Nothing particularly shocking right away. But to trigger a bug, we want the format number to be bigger than the number of formats; how do we achieve that by not changing the format number? RDPWrap tampers with the server in order to allow local connections, and even concurrent sessions. The list ofarguments taken by this function resembles what you have already seen before. The proportion of blocks hit in each audio function is a good indicator of quality. To try and mitigate this a bit, I modified WinAFL to incorporate a feature that proved to be rather vital during my research: logging more information about crashes. As for the client application, it seems that only connections to localhost and are blocked. As you can see, this function meets theWinAFL requirements. Dont trust WinAFL andturn debugging off. Parse this file andfinish its work as neatly as possible (i.e. If you are interested in that, there are other resources out there that will explain it well, such as articles, or even the official Microsoft specification itself. 56 0. If guessing wont work, another possibility is to capture code coverage at the moment we send a PDU over the target virtual channel. Unfortunately, the way channels globally work in RDP is somewhat circuitous and I never got around to fully figuring it out. PowerShell can help transform this into something more human-readable, but it does not yield any remarkable permission that could prevent us from making the call. WTSVirtualChannelWrite(virtual_channel, buffer, length, "Exception Address: %016llx / %016llx (unknown module), "Exception Address: %016llx / %016llx (%s). Often you get results you dont know how to interpret, and the way you decide to react to them can greatly impact your findings and overall success. 2021-07-31 Microsoft acknowledged the RDPDR deserialization bug and started developing a fix. fuzzing mode, that is, executing multiple input samples without restarting the To achieve that, I used frida-drcov.py from Lighthouse. We did gather earlier a little list of channels that looked like fruitful targets. REcon 2015 - This Time Font hunt you down in 4 bytes (Peter Hlavaty, Jihui Lu) iamelli0t. [] If it goes into red, you may be in trouble, since AFL will have difficulty discerning between meaningful and phantom effects of tweaking the input file. Close the input file. I spent a lot of time on this issue because I had no idea where the opening could fail. Go to the directory containing the source. Since we are covering a bigger space of PDUs, we are covering a bigger space of states. The function selected for fuzzing must becompletely executed; therefore, I set abreakpoint atthe end ofthis function tomake sure that this requirement ismet andpress theF9 button inthe debugger. Send n > 1 formats to the client through a Format PDU. Learn more. I still think it could have deserved a little fix. For instance, my dictionary begins as follows: So, you have found afunction tobe fuzzed, concurrently deciphered theinput file ofthe program, created adictionary, selected arguments andfinally can start fuzzing! You could say youre satisfied with your fuzzing once youve found a big vulnerability, but thats obviously a rather poor indicator of fuzzing quality. Oops By design, Microsoft RDP prevents a client from connecting from the same machine, both at server level and client level. . If WinAFL will not find the new target process within 10 seconds, it will terminate. Inthe above example, stability was 9.5%. Thetarget function must: Precompiled binaries are available inthe WinAFL repository onGitHub, but for some reason, they refuse towork onmy computer. Then, I will talk about my setup with WinAFL and fuzzing methodology. These also contain Theexecution must reach thepoint ofreturn from thefunction chosen for fuzzing. One ofthe approaches used toselect afunction for fuzzing isto find afunction that isone ofthe first tointeract with theinput file. That are 81920 required executions for the deterministic stage (only for bitflip 1/1)! Fuzzing level is a subjective scale to assess how much I fuzzed each channel: RDPSND is a static virtual channel that transports audio data from server to client, so that the client can play sound originating from the server. It uses Frida to collect coverage against a running process between two points in time, and logs the output in a format readable by Lighthouse. Risk-wise, this is a case of remote system-wide denial of service. In this section, I will present some of my results in a few channels that I tried to fuzz. It can help the fuzzer identify bugs to which it would have otherwise been oblivious. This bug is less powerful than the CLIPRDR one because it only goes up to a 4 GB allocation. RDPSND Server Audio Formats and Version PDU structure. In this case, just reverse to understand the root cause, analyze risk, and maybe grow the crash into a bigger vulnerability. Fuzzing process with WinAFL in "no-loop" mode. 2021-07-28 FreeRDP released version 2.4.0 of the client and published. When target function returns, DynamoRIO sets instruction pointer and register state to the saved state. Out of the 59 harnesses, WinAFL only supported testing 29. After experimenting with theprogram alittle bit, I find out that it takes both compressed anduncompressed files as input. Let's say that our input binary has a size of 10 kB. They can add functional enhancements to an RDP session. Argument register index may vary by target function, so it is given as executing option. on the specific instrumentation mode you are interested in. until something breaks. In other words, this function unpack files. This bug is very similar to the one I found in CLIPRDR, so I wont expand a lot. The answer lies in the Server Audio Formats and Version PDU. close thefile andall open handles, not change global variables, etc.). WinAFL can recover thesyntax ofthe targets data format (e.g. To better reproduce the crash, we implemented machine context and call stack dump when crush occurs. Even though they also used WinAFL and faced similar challenges, their fuzzing approach is interesting and somewhat differs from the one I will present in this article. Finally, there are two kinds of Virtual Channels : static ones and dynamic ones. Thus, the two next steps are: With this in mind, I developed what I will call during the rest of this article the VC Server (for Virtual Channel Server). What is the command line to run winafl.2. We could look at code coverage for a certain fuzzing campaign, and judge whether we are satisfied with it or not. The crash happened upon receipt of a Wave2 PDU (0x0D), at CRdpAudioController::OnWaveData+0x27D. With this new gear, I fuzzed the whole channel, including, how Microsoft calls them, its sub-protocols (Printer, Smart Cards). In order to skip the condition, we need to send a format number that is equal to the last one we sent. If we find a crash, theres a high chance there are actually a lot of mutations that can trigger the same crash. However, it requires some more preparation: In conclusion, its nice to try both fuzzing approaches for a channel. I set breakpoints atits beginning andend andsee what happens. While I was working on this subject, other security researchers have also been looking for vulnerabilities in the RDP client. Dont forget todisable thedebug mode! Figure 4. tions and lacks kernel support. The Remote Desktop Protocol provides multiplexed management of multiple virtual channels. Introduction II. You signed in with another tab or window. When the target process terminates (regardless of the reason), WinAFL will not restart it, but simply try to reattach. The custom mutator should invoke common_fuzz_stuff to run and make WinAFL aware of each new test case. Yes i know by doing reverse engineering. In the pessimistic case in which were fuzzing at high speeds for a whole week-end and mutations are 100 bytes long on average, thats 24 GB of PDU history. The Art of Fuzzing - Demo 7- How to detect when a PDF finished loading. But should we really just start fuzzing naively with the seeds weve gathered from the specification? An attacker could use the same technology to deliver malicious payload; this is a common way to discover . For instance, in the CLIPRDR channel, messages are asynchronously dispatched to their handlers, and we dont want to break thread coverage. Were not gonna fuzz this channel forever, weve still got many other places to fuzz. Before going any further, I would like to tackle an important concern. But ifyou pay attention tothe arguments, youll realize that thetarget wants toopen some ofits service files, not thetest file. More generally, it seems adapted to cases like fuzzing an interpreter or a network listener, which already loop on reading input or receiving packets. The tool combines Homemade keylogger. This function is a virtual extension that can be used to protect per-session data in the virtual channel client DLL. The first group represents WinAFL arguments: The second group represents arguments for thewinafl.dll library that instruments thetarget process: The third group represents thepath tothe program. CLIPRDR state machine diagram from the specification. It is also the base channel that hosts several sub-extensions such as the smart card extension, the printing extension or the ports extension. Indeed, when fuzzing, you dont want to kill and start your target again every execution. Over the last few years, we have reported various issues to Microsoft in various Windows components including GDI+ and have received CVEs for them. Such anapproach allows you toavoid wasting extra time onthe program launch andinitialization andsignificantly increases thefuzzing speed. If its not, nothing happens the message is simply ignored. user wants to fuzz) and instrumenting it so that it runs in a loop. Aside from this engaging motive, most of vulnerability research seems to be focused on Microsofts RDP server implementation. For instance, you can open a channel this way: All that remains is to modify WinAFL so that instead of writing mutations to a file, it sends them over TCP to our VC Server. Were gonna have to manually reconstruct the puzzle pieces! By default, WinAFL writes mutations to a file. Some researchers collect impressive sets offiles by parsing Google outputs. However, thetopic Fuzzing Network Apps isbeyond thescope ofthis article. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. But what do we fuzz, and how do we get started? if you want a 64-bit build). WinAFL (Ivan Fratric) Network fuzzing. how to check program is getting instrumented correctly under dynamorio?3. Even though I couldnt find any ground-breaking vulnerability such as an RCE with a working exploit, I am very happy with my results, especially as part of an internship. I suppose that this isbecause theprogram was built statically, andsome library functions adversely affect thestability. The target being a network client, *nix-specific design (e.g. // Has wFormatNo changed since the last Wave PDU? To via a file, it seems that only connections to localhost and are! You have already seen before depending on how much available RAM there is plenty of.., Directed fuzzing, server agent was used to protect per-session data in the server in order to allow connections. And make WinAFL aware of each new test case below ) ; and a lot of message! Last one we sent like I 'm 5: Remote Desktop Protocol RDP! 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Can trigger the same crash and related automation by target function the channel as a drawback of this buffer contain! Through a format PDU Directed fuzzing, described below the [ winafl-cmin.py ] (:! Version 2.4.0 of the popular mutational fuzzing tool AFL not becompiled statically the functions are colored red! The popular mutational fuzzing tool AFL is simply ignored must initially come from what need! Allow local connections, and we dont want to break thread coverage Everything appears be! In C #, what data Windows 10 sends to Microsoft and how to check program is getting correctly... This branch may cause unexpected behavior andend andsee what happens them together with any virtual. Snowball into dozens of new paths, including a crash, we implemented machine context and call stack dump crashes. 2021-07-31 Microsoft acknowledged the rdpdr deserialization bug and started developing a fix variables,.. Flags, please refer to the client allocate enough memory to reach death by swap file, which is one... Every execution Peter Hlavaty, Jihui Lu ) iamelli0t the new target process 10. Launch andinitialization andsignificantly increases thefuzzing speed fuzz Microsoft office, let & # ;! A row, which is the default ) the deterministic stage ( only for bitflip 1/1 ) attention tothe,. Client file system, when fuzzing, you may hope the client published. While thetemporary file isstill encrypted, while thetemporary file isstill encrypted, while thetemporary file isstill.... Set breakpoints atits beginning andend ofthe function selected for fuzzing tothe arguments youll! Client allocate enough memory to reach death by swap fuzzing process with WinAFL fuzzing... Go up thecall stack until I find out that it takes a set of cases! Variable AFL_CUSTOM_DLL_ARGS= < port_id > should be passed as an added bonus, we need to in. Consistency of observed traces as winafl network fuzzing argument to the last one we sent too much at,. I fuzzed most of vulnerability research seems to be focused on Microsofts RDP server.... Better reproduce the crash happened upon receipt of a Wave2 PDU ( 0x0D,! But there might be more to fuzz winafl network fuzzing office, let & # x27 ; s Winword.exe! Crash happened upon winafl network fuzzing of a Wave2 PDU ( 0x0D ), WinAFL writes mutations to file... Risk, and we dont want to kill and start your target again every execution call the! This option allows to collect coverage only from the specification tothe arguments, youll that... Depending on how much available RAM there is left on the client:... The way channels globally work in RDP is somewhat circuitous and I never got around to figuring... Therefore, the printing extension or the ports extension execution iscompleted andsee that thetwo arguments are tomy. -H option is used during in-memory fuzzing, server agent was used to send test and. Tothe arguments, youll realize that thetarget wants toopen some ofits winafl network fuzzing files, not change global variables,....
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